Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 2 Reflections

Sharon and Hwee Min ReFlEcTiOn!!!!! :)
Today we went to the school(NGTHS)~~~~
Had a welcome ceremony then got performance--- (C.E.I.M.O DANCE)
Was the last minute EMCEE!!!!! Although very nervous but still a job well done...(got pokey for being EMCEE.) ---Sharon :)
We had a tour of the school. The facilities is not as advanced as our's... Lunch was packed food. There is long beans, pork, rice and potato and carrot soup...
(Salt here is sold very cheaply~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They add a lot of salt into the dishes.)
After lunch, we learnt history/geography of vietnam and facts about Ho Chi Minh City
We went to the super-market. We bought a lot of junk food.
Dinner was at a restaurant~~~~~ YEA~~~ XD
The food was declicious!!!!!! By the way, there was 'mini xiao qiang'(cockroach) in the toilet......
At night, we went to the night was quite choatic... :( the road were filled with motorcycle...

*Mrs Ong: Learning how to 'jay-walk' safely is an important survival skill in Vietnam, and I must say the students have adapted well to it! :)

SiewRong and Canny s' Reflection(:
Xin chao~~ Today we went to Nguyen Gia Thieu High School! We were welcomed by the students there with drum-roll and music... After some time, we went to the hall and saw their nice performances. We then changed into our performance clothes for the ceimo ceimo dance. We saw many smiling faces looking at us :D
Although we were nervous, we did our best. After the performance, we went back to the hall and met our individual's home-stay buddy. We had a tour around the school. We found out that our school had more facilities than their school. We felt that we are more fortunate than them... xD
At around 3pm, we went to the supermarket to shop for FOOD. We had a fun time shopping for the food as it is much more cheaper than Singapore's.

We also had a sweet-and-bitter experience at the night market.
CANNY: "I didn't buy anything~ =.= "
SIEWRONG: "I bought souvenirs^^"

We bargained for the things that we are buying. Although we did not bargain successfully, we had an interesting experience (:

CANNY: " MOMMY~ I bought a lot of food for you all~WAIT for my food~~~ :D "
SIEWRONG: " MOM! How's didi? Did his fever go off??? I miss home a bit~ :D "

Mei cui ~ Reflection
Muhahaha ! I never thought that going Vitenam trip would be so so so FUN ! Love it so much, for me and my group we bargain until ....very good ! All low in price ! I FINALLY BOUGHT MY SHOES ! HIP HOP ! SHOES ! Hahas ! Bye bye ! Go sleep le, MUHAHAHAHAHA :D

Shimin & XiYun's reflection :)
Hello/xin chao~
hmmms...had a warmest welcome by Nguyen Gia Thieu junior high school
They preformed for us and we too also performed our CEIMO dance today...though it wasn't a perfect performance,but we can say we had done our best already:)
we had a tour around the school.. It was quite big, the school's facilities weren't as good as ours, we've learnt to appreciate our school's facilities more...
There's history lesson in the school ( we surly know more about the school.) ,we went to the supermarket... Bought a bottle of chocolate. Half the bottle was gone (Xiyun) : )
i bought lots of food and coffee for my parents ^^. The dinner that were served were scrumptious... the night market was indeed a great experience for us... we've bargained a lot :D
the things sold there were so cheap ! can't resist to buy everything LOL... oh..and these two days,it has been raining...unlucky for us BUT overall,we've enjoyed in everything we did.
we're anticipating more for the rest of the days:)
PS , i've (shimin) dropped my camera :(
how?~ SORRY MUMMY & AUNT..i truly apologise for the damage camera,i didn't mean it.sorry ! :(
PS : Sister could you reply the message... (xiyun)

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