Friday, August 20, 2010

Meeting #4

Meeting 4 will be on the 26th August, Thursday at MR 3.
Remember to rehearse your steps...
If you do forget your steps, refresh your memories by viewing the earlier blog (about 2 weeks back) videos.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Guys remember to hand in your auto-biography.deadline is by 3 sept 2010

  3. I hope i become leader next was very cool and good to become one.

  4. some ideas on doing your auto-boigraphy
    -first overseas trip
    -your house
    -favourite sports,show and cartoons
    -favourite food and drinks
    -about your family members
    -favourite places
    -favourite games
    -favourite subjects
    -class photos
    That should keep you busy and thinking for your auto-biography.i hope you all would think very creative and do a good job for you auto-biography.Let us all impress the vietnamese on how good we are.
