Friday, October 29, 2010

Review On the First Parents Briefing Session 2010

The 1st CIP Parents' Briefing Session was conducted on the 22nd October 2010, Friday at North View Secondary School AVA Theatrette. We were very glad that almost all the parents of the 29 CIP students attended the briefing.

Mdm Aini, the Vice-Principal Of North View Secondary School gave the opening address, followed by Mr. How, Head of C&T Department who conducted the briefing session which lasted about 45minutes.

During the session, many of the following items were addresssed so as to keep the parents updated on the objectives and progress of the Cultural Immersion Programme that their child is participating in.

a) Objectives of CIP 2010
b) Information on Nguyen Gia Thieu High School
c) Itinerary/ Home stay details
d) Dietary Constraints
e) Medical Information
f) Emergency Contact Details
g) Packing List

Updates on the Beautiful Tiles Painting

CIP students,
Look!!! Isn't that nice? Such beautiful collage can only be made when everybody does their own part, good job everyone!

Our Meetings on 01-03 Nov 2010

Dear Performers,

As we approach the final phase of our performance training and rehearsals. Pls note the following meeting details for the various groups.

01/11 (Mon) - 02/11 (Tue)

Time/Venue: 9am-12noon, Dance Rm
*Girls to try out and collect costumes fr Mdm Faezah at 10am on 01/11 (Mon). Pls bring clothes cover/plastic covers to protect costumes.
*Boys to collect costumes fr Mdm Phua at 10am on 02/11 (Tue).

Time/Venue: 9am-12noon, MR3
*Submit softcopy of song to Mr Ng asap.

*Get Keyboard from staffroom (Mr Bernard Goh's Table). AVA Rm is also booked for use just in case.
Indv Prac. Time/Venue: 11am-1pm, 2nd Flr Classrooms @ new block
Grp Prac. Time/Venue: 2-4pm, 5A1 Classroom

03/11 (Wed) Final Rehearsal in Dance Rm

0900hrs - Individual Practice within your groups.
1000hrs - Rehearsal 1
1030hrs - Rehearsal 2
1100hrs - Full Dress
1130hrs - Debrief

You all have talents, and you represent NVSS & Singapore. Let's show 'em what you've got!

Mr Derick Ng

Other Reminders:
1. 'O' levels are ongoing, so be very quiet when you move around school.
2. Passports and Health Declaration Forms to submit to Ms Danz Tan asap.
3. Practise your basic Viet.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Meeting on 28 Oct (Thurs)

Dear all,

Apologies, but there is a change of plans, and the meeting on 28 Oct will not be cancelled. This is for the purpose of painting your tiles. The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date: 28 Oct (Thurs)
Time: 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Venue: Art Room
Things to bring: Paint brushes (fine and medium tip), palette, container for water, one stack of old newspaper 

Please be extremely quiet on that day as the 'O' level examinations will be going on then.

See you there!

Mrs Ong

Next Meeting

Dear Boys and Girls,
Please take note that there's no meeting on this thursday, 28th Oct.

Our meeting will resume next week. Please take note of the details...

Date of meeting: (1) Monday, 1st Nov
(2) Tuesday, 2nd Nov
(3) Wednesday, 3rd Nov
(4) Thursday, 4th Nov

Time: 9am to 12pm

Venue: MR3

The session on 4th Nov is not confirmed. It will depend how well the dance performance goes...

Please remember to submit your health declaration form asap.

Please submit your passports to Ms Danz Tan when you come for your meeting next wk.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Watch your steps!

"walk the beats", "bend your knees", "count in your heart", "heads up and smile", "stomach in chest out"

Dear students,

You have heard enough of me giving you these instructions. Pls watch the video and see how you may improve your dance steps. It is definitely therapeutic when you can keep in tandem and 'groove in'. A word of encouragement, you have gone from level 0 to level 6 now at least! =)


Mr Derick Ng

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meeting Postponed......

Dear Boys and Girls,

Please take note that the meeting for this thursday, 14th Oct is postponed to next tuesday, 19th Oct 3pm at MR3. Do rehearse on your dance movements, especially for the 'hip hop' group, you will need to show your steps to the CIP teachers on tuesday.

Meeting on 21st October, Thursday, 10 - 12.30pm at 3rd Floor Commerce Room: You are required to participate in the making of glass tiles mosaic making. The completed product will be presented as a souvenior to the Vietnamese counterparts.

Please inform one another regarding the two meetings stated.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

T-Shirts Sizes Wanted !!!!!!

Dear CIP students,
Please provide your t-shirt sizes to your team leaders respectively.
Please use the sizes based on your Sec. 2 Camp t-shirt's size.
The details to be given to your team leaders by Saturday, 9th Oct.

Team Leaders, you are then required to pass the information to Ms Danz Tan through email. Please indicate clearly the member's name and size. Deadline will be 10th Oct, Sunday.